Wio Bank

Building the best place to see, manage & grow money

Product Design
— App Design
— UX Design
— Art Direction
— Strategy
— UX Research
— Design Workshop

Banks are so last century, People are not

How can we revolutionize the banking experience to resonate with the modern customer's lifestyle, happiness, and the evolving framework of daily life?

Banking is no longer just a transactional necessity; it's a pivotal element that influences our lifestyle choices, financial well-being, and personal goals. Money essentially has transcended its traditional form—it has become a tool to achieve our aspirations. Our aim was to not just create another banking app but to craft an experience that seamlessly integrates into the lives of users, redefining convenience, security, and personalisation in the digital age. This is the story of how we set out to redefine the future of banking in the UAE, one innovative step at a time.

The Design Challenge

In addressing the design challenge, our primary objective was to comprehensively understand and articulate the problem we aimed to solve and gauge the potential impact it would have on the world. We sought to elucidate how our project would enhance customer experience and unveil new business opportunities, thereby extending WIO's mission. Our conceptual approach to user interaction with money was encapsulated in a simple yet profound framework, termed 'Paths' - a guiding principle to help users navigate their financial journey towards freedom. 'Paths' segmented financial planning into three categories: the money spent today (immediate expenses), tomorrow (short to mid-term goals like rent or car loans), and in the future (long-term investments like mortgages and retirement).

Defining the Audience

In redefining our financial app's user personas, we moved beyond traditional demographic categories. Instead, we focused on understanding individual financial motivations and behaviors. Utilizing insights from psychological research, we explored the concept of "money personalities," blending this qualitative data with quantitative spending patterns. This comprehensive approach helped us create personalized user experiences, deeply attuned to individual financial attitudes and habits. Our goal was to empower users with intuitive, engaging, and personalized financial management tools, fostering smarter financial decisions through a user-centric design process.

Charting the Emotional Journey

In our strategy, we first established a clear information architecture to serve as our app's navigational backbone, ensuring seamless interconnections between sections. This was vital for understanding the user's financial journey. Next, I created an emotional journey map, focusing on the emotional aspects of finance management. This helped identify critical moments for integrating educational content, offering users guidance and reassurance in navigating new financial management methods. This approach aimed to empower users, making them feel equipped and confident throughout their financial journey.

Emotional Journey map

Insights & Planning

My focus on the 'Spend' section involved iterative design, creating multiple prototypes to refine user interaction with financial data.

The Hub

We centered on enhancing user navigation by introducing a central hub. This allowed for easy access to various financial features.

User Feedback

User insights also highlighted the necessity for an effective budgeting tool, shaping its development to be both simple and engaging.

Jobs to be done

I employed a 'Job to Be Done' framework, translating insights into purposeful app features. This approach ensured my solutions were not only functional but also emotionally resonant, empowering users to manage their finances effectively.

Exploring Components

As I focused on the 'Spend' section involved iterative design, creating multiple modules and components to represent financial data. As a team we explored 100's different options.

Navigating the app

My focus on the 'Spend' section involved iterative design, creating multiple modules and components to represent financial data. As a team we explored 100's different options.

Design Explorations

Taking account of all the insights from competitor analysis, team design workshops and customer feedback we then began to turn these insights into design explortions. Testing these within the team these then went on to inform the final design.

Through a diverse exploration of styles and executions, we solidify the visual bedrock that supports the entire user experience. Designing, prototyping, and testing each element of the banking interface are critical steps in our journey. This iterative craftsmanship ensures that every aspect of our service is not only aesthetically pleasing but also deeply aligned with our users' needs and aspirations. Our commitment to repeated refinement is what transforms a simple banking transaction into an empowering financial experience.

Portfolio Webflow Template - Ararat - Designed by and
Portfolio Webflow Template - Ararat - Designed by and

We are revolutionizing the way people interact with their finances, focusing on control, simplicity, excitement, clarity, delight, and support. Here's how we're transforming the spending experience:

The best place to see,
manage & grow money

As we craft a banking experience that resonates with modern needs, our approach to visualizing the UI plays a pivotal role in shaping the identity of  bank.  We dedicate ourselves to the meticulous crafting, testing, and enhancing of our solutions, always with the aim of making banking not just more convenient, but more connected to the lives and goals of our customers.

What we created

We sculpted 6 pillars of design described below, they were used to lead the process but also were acted as ancor for the design.

Dynamic Fund Allocation

We put the control back in the hands of the customer, allowing them to seamlessly switch between their own funds (debit) and borrowed funds (credit) for any given expense. This flexibility extends to various types of funds, including virtual cards, savings, cryptocurrencies, and stocks. Moreover, users can set limits on their overall or category-specific spending, ensuring they stay within their financial comfort zone.

Insightful Monthly Breakdowns

Our platform simplifies the complexity of monthly budgets. Users can view their spending by category, merchant, and overall trends, accompanied by actionable insights to optimize their financial health. This streamlined view makes it easy to understand where money goes each month and how to improve spending habits.

Personalized Money Personality

We introduce an element of excitement with our money personality assessment. This feature helps users understand their unique spending patterns and tailor their Wio experience accordingly. By aligning the app with individual behaviors and preferences, we make managing money not just a necessity, but a personalized journey towards better financial understanding.

Transparent Categories and Trends

Our design emphasizes clarity by presenting spending categories, timeframes, and trends in an easily digestible format. We eliminate the complexity often associated with financial management, making it straightforward for users to grasp their financial standing and make informed decisions.

Proactive Spending Insights

We go beyond mere tracking; we provide delightful insights and recommendations that anticipate the user's needs. By analyzing spending patterns, we offer suggestions for savings, smarter spending, and even reward opportunities, turning everyday transactions into moments of discovery and reward.

Continuous Financial Learning

Our commitment to user empowerment extends to ongoing education. We provide a rich library of articles and resources that help users learn as they spend. This continuous learning approach ensures that users are not just tracking expenses but gaining the financial acumen needed to build a more secure and prosperous future.

A 4.7 rating in the app store

Just six months since its launch, Wio Personal has revolutionized banking in the UAE, achieving an impressive 4.7 out of 5 rating from over a thousand users on major digital platforms.

Our Approach to Innovative
Banking Solutions

At the core of our process lies the profound belief in the transformative power of dialogue. We understand that to truly innovate in the banking sector, we must first listen – to our stakeholders, financial experts, and most importantly, our customers. These conversations are the seeds from which powerful solutions sprout, guiding us to understand the intricate issues that users face in their financial journeys.

After refining our designs, we moved into the agile development phase, maintaining close collaboration with our engineering team to ensure designs were fully prepared for each development sprint.